Friday, December 10, 2010

Ratatouille- Movie

 I put a link out on my Twitter (coffinscookies)  the other week to my last post about foodie movies, and ironically Chef Michael Smith (Chef at Large, Chef at Home)  put up a Twitter saying Ratatouille was one of the best foodie movies he'd ever seen. I became obsessed for the last week trying to get my hands on a copy.  I admit, I had originally  stayed away from it because it was a "kid's movie", but beyond glad that I took his advice and found a copy at the rental place. 

The message is simple, anyone can cook.  Which is true, just look at me.  With it being a Disney film, I was thinking for sure I would cry, but I found myself laughing the whole time and craving vegetarian stew. 

Food in movies, seems to flow with the theme of self discovery, and this is no different. The subplot deals with a guy who just learns who he really is and what is expected of him, giving him for the first time not just a passion for something but an identity.  (which was the main theme in Julie/Julia, Ramen Girl
 This is one that I am going to have to add to my movie collection.

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